Thursday, May 29, 2008

More Bars Than Households? You Must Be Kidding...

Just somewhere around Kanogo a friend of mine is driving slowly pointing on what looks like a deserted hill nearby and says:"See that place Nasty, am putting up a bar there very soon!" Ironically or coincidentally; (depending on you!), just around the corner there is a huge billboard erected for East African Breweries Ltd.
I pretended i hadn't heard him but as he kept murmuring about how great he wants his new bar to look, my thoughts had already wandered miles away asking myself many questions, most of which were rather rhetoric.
What has become of us? Are we resorting to alcohol in quest of quenching our thirst, or there is a hidden agenda behind this? Is it true we are great football fans eager to cheer on our favourite football clubs on a giant screen or we are just finding reasons to hang out at the bar without having to give many explanations to our spouses? Is it true that after that long day at work the best way to relieve that stress is cuddling a bottle? Is it true that the most profitable business in Rwanda and exclusively in Kigali is owning a bar? Is it true that Bralirwa is the most profitable company on our land? Is it true that there are more bars than households in some neighbourhoods in Kigali?
Is it true that the first step to addiction is denial? I prayerfully hope your answer to most of these questions is not "No", since the number of addicts would be increasing per minute..
Anyway, one for the road please! (I mean one sober man to drive you home)... Lest you forget... there is something called an alco-blow [Is this the word?]..

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