Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Big Joke!! Here We Go Again....

The Rwanda Office of Tourism, ORTPN is magnifying this year's Gorilla naming ceremony by bringing the Nigerian Duo of Peter and Paul Okono famously known as the P-Square to Kigali late this month.
I don't want to presume but from past experience, i can very politely confess that i have little faith, if any, in the success of this concert. Please hear right, considering the fact that this show is involving the 4Real Promotions, who have had their share of troubles and accusations from local artists who have been the curtain-raisers for foreign artists who have been here previously... It has come to my attention that most of these local artists had somehow decided to boycott any concerts organized or involving in anyway the 4Real Promotions.
Am not implying here that without local artists the P-Square wouldn't pull a satisfactory crowd.. To the contrary, even though the local artists play a pivotal role in such circumstances, the P-Square has had a fair bit of success with their previous releases, such as Busy Body, Do Me and many more... However, with the funny, or rather ridiculous figure i heard is going to be the entrance fee, please give me a chance to have my last laugh...
All in all, am happy Rwanda is going to be hosting great artists after some time of wannabe's mimicking greater talented artists from abroad...

What The Fly On The Wall Tells Me!

I don't really understand the aim of some fellows prying into other people's lives for a purpose of dishonouring their causes in life..
You must have been hearing these words such as "rumour has it that" or "a confidential source tells us" or the more famous one of "A source which requested anonymity"...
See, i know in the ethics of journalism there is something which allows us to conceal our sources' identity as long as there is a reason to, but some other petty things and you still don't wanna disclose a factual source??
I think i am smelling fish... The next thing you will tell me is that you weren't there but that the fly on the wall tells you it saw it all and it can narrate to you all that..
The other day i was reading a very suggestive article from a prominent English newspaper questioning what Prof. Silas Lwakabamba was doing exchanging phone numbers with the now reigning Miss Butare. The article suggested a fling between the two. Correct me if am wrong... Did this reporter get that close to know the content of their discussion or it was another blabbermouth we are used to being fed? Did the reporter hear it from the fly on the wall or the walls talk nowadays? Save me this crap..

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Shall We Dance? The Black Supremacy...

From deep in his ancestry roots in Luo Land in Kenya, a man grew up dreading for the American Dream... Somewhere thousand of miles away, Martin Luther King Jr. had no idea 45 years later, this young energetic young man would be the little star shining upon the United States, and a ray of hope for the Black population.. A chance to restore their dignity.
U.S. senator Barack Obama secured enough delegates to clinch the Democratic nomination, according to agencies. The senator makes history as the first African-American to lead a U.S. major-party ticket. But Hillary Clinton said she would make no decision on her campaign's future, at least not before she meets her senior party officials. Word is that she is considering being the number two, and being Obama's running mate against their party rival, Sen. John McCain.